behind the scenes


Masayuki azuma as hungry 19’ photographer

a.k.a. AS ALWAYS was born in Nara, Japan in 1983.

Currently he resides and works in Brooklyn, NY. His photography reflects NYC everyday life and he always tries to set his shoots like a movie scene from his life.

Azuma states, “ I believe that the responsibility of those who live today, is to discover the value of their cultural heritage, family traditions and historical landscapes. Also these values should be passed down from generation to generation.”

“In my case”, Azuma states, “I use photography as a tool to express these values in a tangible form. The whole concept of my inspiration and the capturing of the moment through a picture was developed from my experience with the people I’ve meet and the places I’ve been. As I get older and older, the main factor that influences my photography has been my family and friends.”


charlie posrivisuthikool as hungry 19’ videographer

Master’s degree, majored in Directing and Editing Films and Television

"I came to New York to follow the sound of John Williams' music. His work in Star Wars is what got me into the film school. It sounds crazy but I know that someday, it's going to be worth it...."


KEVIN LIM FROM FREQUENCY GROUP as hungry 19’ sound technician

"We are a collective of Artists, Curators, DJs, Designers and Influencers.  We’ve been involved in the New York City nightlife scene since 1994.  Starting off as a small team of DJs, event coordinators & promoters, we have grown into a prominent network of multi-faceted event professionals.  Today, we coordinate a talented array of Event Curators, DJs, Designers, Promoters, Photographers, Videographers, Marketing and branding for premier venues throughout the city.  Let's build an experience."